17 Jul 2012

5 Things I've Learned Already

It has been a testing year to begin trying to grown my own. The weather has been difficult and unusual as July looks set to join April and June as being the wettest on record. However, the garden is producing a steady harvest of new potatoes, onions, courgettes, lettuce, spring onion, peas, black currants and strawberries. I am less than half way through my first growing season, but here are 5 things I've learned already:
  1. Sowing peas and brassicas, without protecting them with netting, is just feeding the pigeons.
  2. Growing your own changes the way you cook and eat. Making do with what is ready in the garden requires creative cookery. More courgette recipes anyone?
  3. Battling slugs is the trench warfare of gardening.
  4. Growing your own cuts down on food waste. The potatoes stay in the ground until they are ready to eat rather than sprouting in a plastic bag and then being thrown away.
  5. Tiny vegetables, fresh black currants and peas picked minutes before eating taste really good. If you don't grow your own, you will never know this.

Income    £ 35.28
Costs      £165.21

Profit       £-129.93

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