12 Aug 2012

Did the Carrot flyaway?

It was with some trepidation that I pulled the first of the carrots. As I blogged back in May , the puppy thought it was great fun to pull the netting off, thus robbing them of their main defence against carrot fly. I inter-cropped with spring onions; some say the smell confuses the fly when she is looking for somewhere to lay her eggs. However, there is limited evidence to support this, so it was really a test of of the claimed resistant qualities of the variety.

So how did Carrot 'Flyaway' do?

Well overall, I'm pretty pleased. There was some damage (the carrot on the left has provided some larvae with a tasty first meal) but most of the roots are unaffected and the yield has been good, particularly given the lousy weather.

That said, organic carrots are only £1.67/kg (Sainsburys) so this is not going to be one of the big money spinners for my Grow Your Own Experiment. So far, that honour belongs to the courgette plants (£20 worth and still going strong).

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