13 Jun 2012

Plagues & Pestilence

My dinner is currently under assault from the following:


I suppose given the extremely wet weather we have had over the past 2 weeks I should have been too surprised to find these horrible black blotches on my outdoor tomato plants. The new potatoes Duke of York looked slightly affected but I am lifting them anyway so should hopefully get away with it. The main crop Golden Wonder show no signs as yet - fingers crossed.

Tomato Mosaic Virus

This is really disappointing as the virus is spread mechanically so I have no idea how it was introduced (I don't smoke which is one way of infecting your plants as tobacco is afflicted by the same virus). Not much I can do about it other than destroy the affected plants and hope it doesn't spread.


They have had a good go and the peas but enough have survived to ensure that, hopefully we will get to eat some peas from the garden this year. Next year I am going to net them when they are seedlings. The pigeons have already destroyed all the Brussels sprouts.

Mice (I think, but maybe pigeons again)

Something has nibbled the leaves off the brassicas (but left the leaves to wilt on the ground). Lesson learned, I am going to grow my brassicas under robust netting next year.

My veggies do seem to be under attack on all fronts at the moment. I am still resisting chemical warfare; top tips gratefully received.

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