18 May 2012

The Problem with Flying & Gardening

A lonely pea shoot, nibbled but still growing

My job as a pilot means that I often have to spend time away from home. I returned from my latest trip to find that in addition to the inevitable weeds, various pests have taken advantage of my absence. The peas have been stripped by something - I suspect pigeons but it may be slugs - and a row of spinach has disappeared. The slugs are definitely responsible for the missing spinach and I will put another dose of organic ferrous phosphate slug pellets down to deal with them. Luckily I have some spare pea plants in the greenhouse and spinach grows rapidly from seed.

The problem is not helped by the dog who is assisting garden pests by nicking beer from the slug traps ( see below) and pulling any protective netting down. I am going to have to find a more robust way of securing it and hope he grow out of it.

On the plus side, with the abundant rain, everything is growing like mad and I am sure we are tantalizingly close to that first harvest. However, until that happens, I am still £136 in the red.

Costs:    £136.12
Income: Nil
Profit:    £-136.12

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